Compete and win in the global marketplace with Prudence.

Seeking to Grow your Business Abroad?

Our Areas of Expertise

  • (COMING SOON) Prudence Global Growth Platform - our turnkey automated internationalization platform

  • We have extensive expertise in the following:

    • Advisory and consulting services for all facets of international export/import, investment and FDI

    • Business Development and Lead Generation

    • Investment/FDI Attraction

    • Partnership facilitation

    • Market entry strategy, risk and opportunity scan

    • Market representation

    • Trusted service provider recommendations and introductions (legal, tax, immigration, SR&ED, real estate)

    • Market research

    • Strategy and economics analysis, including geopolitical, policy and risk analysis

    • Government relations and access (federal, provincial, municipal, associations)

    • Grants, financing and incentives identification and application

    • Market access and policy

    • Events, trade shows

    • Site selection and consulting

    • Training and workshops (export promotion, investment attraction, research)

    • Investor relations

    • Economic Development (EDO) consulting


  • Technology (software, hardware, emerging)

  • Manufacturing and industrial (agriculture, construction)

  • Agriculture and agri-food (including retail)

  • Energy (oil and gas, hydrogen, including equipment)

  • Aerospace (including remotely-piloted and autonomous systems)

  • Economic Development Organizations - Export Promotion and Investment Attraction

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Please contact us and we will respond as quickly as possible.